API Documentation Refresh, New Tools Section

API Documentation Overhaul

In the past month, we've been making several improvements to sheet2api. Many customers have been asking for more code examples in different languages for using sheet2api.

In response, we've overhauled the API Docs section for your Spreadsheet APIs. This section now contains code examples for various languages (JavaScript, Curl, Python and PHP).

Here's an example of the new API Docs section:

Tools Section

You'll see we've added a new "Tools" section to the navigation bar on the website. We'll be adding various interesting free tools to this section. Our first is "Wiki to API", with this you can turn any Wikipedia Article into a working JSON API.

Have any other ideas for tools you'd like us to add? Send us an email.

It's as easy as that 🎉.

If you need help, please feel free to send a message via the contact page.

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