Pre-launch web page using an Excel Sheet

Create a pre-launch page that collects email addresses using Excel Online as your database.

In this tutorial, we'll create a simple pre-launch/coming soon page that collects email addresses from interested users. All submissions will be stored in a Excel Online spreadsheet.

We'll start with a basic Bootstrap template and add the functionality to collect and store email addresses.

Initial static pre-launch page template

table_chart 1. Setup your Spreadsheet

First, create a new spreadsheet in Excel Online with this structure:

1 email

You can view our example spreadsheet here:!AnONTscVSMXNgUd1IhxO4FVSsHr6?e=BbfHdK

add_circle 2. Create Spreadsheet API

Create your Spreadsheet API by pasting your spreadsheet link.

Create REST API from a Excel Online

settings 3. Configure your API

Click "Configure API" to secure your Spreadsheet API.

Configure API link

Under API Permissions, disable everything except Create. This ensures users can only submit data but not read or modify existing entries.

Configure API to allow Create requests only

Click "Save" to apply the changes.

code 4. Add the Form

Copy your API URL from the Spreadsheets page:


Update your form HTML with the sheet2api attributes:

<!-- Signup Form -->
<form id="signup-form" method="post" data-spreadsheet-api="YOUR_API_URL">
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Email Address" />
    <input type="submit" value="Sign Up" onClick="alert('We will be in touch')"/>

Add the sheet2api script before the closing body tag:

<script src=""></script>

cloud_upload 5. Host your Page

You can host your pre-launch page for free using Github Pages:

  1. Create a new repository on Github

    Create a Github Repository

  2. Add your web page files to the repository

    Files added to the repository

  3. Enable Github Pages in your repository settings

    Setup Github Pages

  4. Access your live page using the provided URL

    Github Pages URL

check_circle It's as easy as that! 🎉

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