Google Sheets API – Cost, Limits, Explained

Understanding the Google Sheets API

In 2016, Google introduced the latest iteration of the Google Sheets API, which is now known as version 4.

Unlike its predecessor, Google Sheets API v3, which merely allowed users to read and write cell values on Google Sheets, version 4 offers an extensive array of new features, making it a significant upgrade.

Google Sheets API v4 provides access to nearly every spreadsheet feature imaginable, including charts, pivot tables, and filter views. Moreover, it grants complete control over cell formatting, enabling users to customize colors, text styles, and even implement conditional formatting—capabilities that were previously unavailable on v3. Additionally, this version utilizes the newer Google API's client libraries, supporting nine languages—a significant improvement over v3, which only supported two languages.

These enhancements have transformed the Google Sheets API into an indispensable tool for countless professionals, extending beyond app development. It has found utility in diverse industries like marketing, finance, and particularly within the rapidly emerging field of data analytics.

This article aims to explore the Google Sheets API and demonstrate how it can be effectively utilized for your own projects.

Let's begin.

What is the Google Sheets API?

The Google Sheets API provides a means to interact with Google Sheets without the need to directly use the app.

For individuals who frequently handle data sets as part of their work, importing data into spreadsheets can become tiresome. The manual process consumes significant time, and it's likely not an activity you wish to dedicate a considerable portion of your day to.

The Google Sheets API offers the following capabilities:

- Importing data from any source
- Automating low-value tasks
- Building and utilizing apps that interface with Google Sheets

By leveraging the Google Sheets API, you can harness the extensive functionality of Google Sheets beyond the confines of the app itself. The ability to automate repetitive tasks empowers you to liberate an extra 30 minutes from your workday effortlessly.

Google Sheets API Pricing

The Google Sheets API is available at no cost, but it does come with usage limitations for each user. These limitations encompass quotas for both queries and document creation. If these quotas are surpassed, additional charges will apply, contingent upon the G Suite plan you are using.

Google Sheets API Limits

The Google Sheets API enforces usage limits in the form of quotas and restrictions imposed by Google. These measures are put in place to ensure equitable usage of their API and safeguard their systems.

Should you surpass these limits, you may encounter a "429: Too many requests" error. In such a scenario, employing the exponential backoff algorithm can be beneficial.

If your requirements demand a higher quota, you have the option to request a limit increase.

Using the Google Sheets API

The Google Sheets API offers a wide range of possibilities.

At sheet2api, our primary utilization of the Google Sheets API involves making GET & POST requests to import JSON data and update spreadsheets.

If you wish to automate data imports/exports with your Sheets using the Google Sheets API, you have two options:

1. Create the code yourself.
2. Utilize a no-code or low-code tool.

Code it yourself

If you are familiar with coding, creating an app that utilizes the Google Sheets API can be accomplished swiftly.

To begin, you'll require a Google account (Sign up). After completing the sign-up process, you can commence using Google Sheets.

To make use of the Google Sheets API, you can opt for one of the following methods:

1) Browser Application
To utilize the Google Sheets API, you can create a straightforward browser application that makes requests to it.

1. A Google account
2. Python 2.4 or a more recent version (Download the latest version)

To get started with your browser app, follow the official guide carefully.

2) Go Command-Line Application
For interacting with the Google Sheets API, you can develop a simple Go command-line application.

1. A Google account
2. Go (Download the latest version)
3. Git (Download the latest version)

Refer to the official guide for getting started with your Go command-line app and follow the steps closely.

3) Google Apps Script (GAS)
You have the option to create a basic Google Apps Script that sends requests to the Google Sheets API.

1. A Google account
2. Access to Google Drive (Get started)

Follow the official guide diligently to begin with your Google Apps Script.

Once you've successfully run the sample, you can explore this tutorial to build your first app.

4) Java Command-Line Application
To interact with the Google Sheets API, you can create a simple Java command-line application.

1. A Google account
2. Java 1.8 or a higher version (Download the latest version)
3. Gradle 2.3 or a higher version (Download the latest version)

Follow the official guide to get started with your Java command-line app. Adhere to the instructions closely.

After successfully running the sample, you can check out this tutorial to discover how you can use Java to interact with Google Sheets.

5) .NET Console Application
For making requests to the Google Sheets API, you can create a basic .NET console application.

1. A Google account
2. Visual Studio 2013 or a later version (Download the latest version)

Follow the official guide carefully to start with your .NET console app.

6) Node.js Command-Line Application
To send requests to the Google Sheets API, you can create a simple Node.js command-line application.

1. A Google account
2. Node.js & npm installed (Download the latest version)

Follow the official guide to begin with your Node.js command-line app. Adhere to the instructions closely.

This article explains how you can use Node.js to connect with Google Sheets, effectively utilizing it as a database.

7) PHP Command-Line Application
You can create a basic PHP command-line application that interacts with the Google Sheets API.

1. A Google account
2. PHP 5.4 or a newer version with the command-line interface (CLI) and JSON extension installed (Download the latest version)
3. The Composer dependency management tool (Download the latest version)

There is no official guide, however you can read this guide on reading and writing Google Sheets using PHP.

8) Python Command-Line Application
For sending requests to the Google Sheets API, you can create a simple Python command-line application.

1. A Google account
2. Python 2.6 or a newer version (Download the latest version)
3. The pip package management tool (Download the latest version)

Follow the official guide to start with your Python command-line app. Adhere to the instructions closely.

This article discusses some of the functionality of the Google Sheets API that you can access using Python.

9) Ruby Command-Line Application
You have the option to create a basic Ruby command-line application that makes requests to the Google Sheets API.

1. A Google account
2. Ruby 2.0 or a higher version (Download the latest version)

There is no official guide, however you can explore this guide to learn how you can do more with Google Sheets using Ruby.

Use a low-code tool

Writing code from scratch might not always justify the time and effort invested. Using the Google Sheets API directly requires significant setup work such as authentication keys, registration of an application, etc.

You can bypass all of this complexity and effort by using sheet2api to interface with your Google Spreadsheet.

sheet2api transforms Google Sheets into dynamic APIs effortlessly. Sync changes in real-time, no coding needed. Perfect for developers, business professionals, and non-tech users.

It's as easy as that 🎉.

If you need help, please feel free to send a message via the contact page.

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